Stop the “what-ifs” and start the “what’s next”

It’s so amazing how God speaks to us in all different ways and outlets if we open our eyes, ears and hearts to Him.

Lately, I have been thinking about our childcare situation and stressing on timing of when I would start baby #2 who is due any day now, and what schedule we would be on for my oldest daughter as well. I had tossed a hundred “what-if” scenarios around in my mind. What if she’s not ready, what if there’s not a space, what if we lose our spot, what if I lose my job… you know the endless scenarios us moms think up everything from the smallest thing to the worst possible thing. I had gotten myself in a panic and really worked up a load of stress on my already achy 40 week pregnant body.

Then my husband came in as the voice of reason reminding me that I need to just take it day by day and not stress about the “what-ifs” in life. I agreed and we began to pray about it. Later that evening, this post came across my Facebook feed from Mom Life in their #momprayers series…


I showed my husband and said how perfect is this for our current situation! I had literally just finished praying to God for peace and resolution with my anxiety and our situation.

Ephesians 2:10 tells us, ” For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

God has already prepared our path and knows our what the future holds. Just as He has already decided baby #2’s birthday. It’s only a surprise for us, we just need to trust in Him and give it all to Him. So my motto now is to stop the “what-ifs” and start the “what’s next.” I need to start asking God to please use me, our family and our situation to do His work here that he has created us for. He has a plan and I need to trust Him, waiting patiently and always seeking His guidance before making decisions. Pray, wait, listen then act through His guidance…

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