God Blesses Us While We Are Waiting

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part…

Lately, I’ve had to really work on my patience. For one, I’m nearing the end of my pregnancy and very anxious for baby #2 to arrive. Secondly, I have a full-blown toddler who loves to test my patience daily. Additionally, we are working on finishing a room in our home and renovations can be a…

Motherhood equals judgment?…

Motherhood equals so many wonderful things… blessings, fulfillment, love, responsibility, but why out of all of these wonderful things does judgment always seem to accompany it? I was prepared to join the ‘mommy club’ and excited to do so! Learning new things, discovering my parenting styles, exploring options and doing what was best for my…

Dealing with Depression

Recently, we shared some stifling statistics on the average persons thoughts per day and how one mommy deals with depression. We wanted to expand on this subject a bit more, share a personal testimony and additional tips on how to manage negative thoughts. As you can imagine, with nearly 50 thoughts going through our minds…

The Moments

It’s easy as a mom to feel tired and weary. I nearly expect it these days. The sleepless nights due to my child’s teething, sickness or just plain restlessness. The long laundry list of “To Do” items for both the home and work. The countless hours spent prepping, cleaning up and planning ahead. I could…